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7 Christian Values to Teach Your Child Through Storybooks

Posted on March 7th, 2024

Teaching children Christian values is a fundamental aspect of parenting, guiding them toward a life rooted in faith, compassion, and integrity. 

One of the most effective ways to instill these values is through engaging storybooks.

By incorporating literature into their learning journey, parents can effectively impart essential Christian values to their children, shaping their character and guiding them towards a life filled with purpose and meaning.

In this post, we'll explore how captivating storybooks can serve as powerful tools in instilling these values in young minds, providing practical insights into seven core Christian values to teach your child.

Why Teach Christian Values at an Early Age?

Christian values encompass principles and beliefs derived from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. These values serve as guiding principles for leading a life of faith, love, compassion, and integrity. Instilling Christian values in children at an early age lays the foundation for their moral and spiritual development, shaping their character and worldview as they grow.

Here are the reasons why you should teach Christian values at an early age:

  • Foundation of Faith: Introducing Christian values to children early helps establish a strong foundation of faith, guiding them in understanding and embracing the principles of Christianity from a young age.
  • Character Development: Teaching Christian values cultivates virtues such as honesty, kindness, and forgiveness, fostering the development of a compassionate and virtuous character.
  • Navigating Life's Challenges: Christian values provide children with essential tools for navigating life's challenges, offering guidance on how to approach difficult situations with grace, resilience, and humility.
  • Building Strong Relationships: Learning values like love, peace, and forgiveness helps children build healthy and meaningful relationships with others, fostering empathy, understanding, and cooperation.
  • Sense of Purpose: Understanding Christian values gives children a sense of purpose and direction, helping them discern right from wrong and make choices aligned with their faith.
  • Preparation for Adulthood: Equipping children with Christian values prepares them for adulthood, empowering them to make ethical decisions, contribute positively to society, and live out their faith in practical ways.
  • Cultivating Spiritual Growth: Teaching Christian values encourages children to develop a personal relationship with God, fostering spiritual growth and deepening their understanding of their faith.

Introducing children to Christian values at an early age not only shapes their character and moral compass but also lays the groundwork for a fulfilling and purposeful life centered on faith and love. Now, let's see how you can do it through storybooks.

Teaching Christian Values Through Storybooks

Storybooks serve as invaluable tools for teaching Christian values to children, offering captivating narratives and vivid illustrations that engage young minds while conveying important moral lessons. Through these stories, children not only learn about fundamental Christian principles but also develop empathy, critical thinking skills, and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Fostering Engagement and Sparking Imagination

Storybooks capture children's imagination and attention, making learning about Christian values enjoyable and memorable.

Relatable Characters and Situations

Characters and situations in storybooks often mirror real-life experiences, allowing children to relate to the stories and apply the lessons to their own lives.

Visual Learning

The vibrant illustrations in storybooks complement the text, enhancing comprehension and making abstract concepts like love, peace, and forgiveness more tangible for children.

Repetition and Reinforcement

Reading the same stories repeatedly reinforces the lessons, helping children internalize Christian values and incorporate them into their daily lives.

Family Bonding and Discussion

Reading storybooks together creates opportunities for meaningful family discussions about faith, values, and moral dilemmas, strengthening familial bonds and fostering open communication.

Diverse Perspectives

Storybooks offer a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, exposing children to different cultures, traditions, and ways of expressing Christian values.

Life Lessons in a Safe Environment

Storybooks provide a safe space for children to explore complex themes such as love, forgiveness, and redemption, preparing them to navigate similar situations in the real world with wisdom and compassion.

As we delve into the exploration of seven core Christian values to teach your child through storybooks, we'll discover how these timeless principles come to life through captivating narratives and relatable characters. Let's embark on this journey of discovery and inspiration together.

7 Christian Values to Teach Your Child Through Storybooks

Storybooks are powerful tools for instilling Christian values in children, offering engaging narratives that convey important moral lessons. Let's explore seven core Christian values and discover how captivating storybooks can teach them to your child.

1. Love

Love is a foundational Christian value that encompasses compassion, kindness, and selflessness. It teaches children to care for others unconditionally and to treat them with empathy and respect.

Storybook: "Larry the Llama Learns About Love: Love Is a Fruit of the Spirit" by Janet Ashmore

This heartwarming storybook that follows Larry the Llama on a journey of discovery about the true meaning of love. Through Larry's adventures, children learn about the transformative power of love and the joy that comes from expressing it towards others. From simple acts of kindness to selfless gestures of compassion, Larry's story inspires children to embrace love as a guiding principle in their lives. 

Parents can read this book with their children, engaging in discussions about the various ways they can show love to their family, friends, and even strangers in their daily interactions. Through Larry's example, children learn that love is not just a feeling but also an action, a choice to care for and uplift others, ultimately fostering deeper connections and a more compassionate world.

2. Peace

Peace is a Christian value that promotes harmony, tranquility, and reconciliation. It teaches children to resolve conflicts peacefully and to cultivate inner serenity amidst life's challenges.

Storybook: "Prickles the Porcupine Learns About Peace" by Janet Ashmore

"Prickles the Porcupine Learns About Peace" is a delightful storybook that follows Prickles on a journey to discover the true meaning of peace. Through Prickles' adventures, children learn about the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully and the value of forgiveness in fostering harmony. As Prickles navigates through various challenges and misunderstandings, children witness the transformative power of choosing peace over strife. 

Parents can read this book with their children, discussing the significance of empathy, forgiveness, and communication in building peaceful relationships. By exploring Prickles' story, children learn valuable lessons about embracing peace as a way of life and creating a more harmonious world.

3. Joy

Joy is a Christian value that celebrates happiness, contentment, and gratitude. It teaches children to find joy in everyday moments and to share their happiness with others.

Storybook: "Spiker the Jumping Spider Learns About Joy" by Janet Ashmore

"Spiker the Jumping Spider Learns About Joy" is an enchanting storybook that follows Spiker on a journey to uncover the secret of true joy. Through Spiker's adventures, children learn about the beauty of joy found in simple pleasures and the importance of spreading happiness to others. As Spiker encounters various challenges and obstacles, children discover that joy is not dependent on external circumstances but rather stems from a grateful heart and a positive outlook on life. 

Parents can read this book with their children, engaging in discussions about the sources of genuine joy and the impact of sharing joy with those around them. By exploring Spiker's story, children learn valuable lessons about embracing joy as a fundamental aspect of their faith and enriching the lives of others through acts of kindness and positivity.

4. Faith

Faith is a cornerstone of Christian belief, emphasizing trust and confidence in God's promises. It teaches children to rely on God's guidance in all circumstances.

Storybook: "The Chronicles of Narnia" Series by C.S. Lewis

"The Chronicles of Narnia" series by C.S. Lewis is a timeless collection of stories that explores themes of faith, courage, and redemption. Set in the magical land of Narnia, these books follow the adventures of children who discover a world filled with wonder and danger. Through their encounters with Aslan, the allegorical representation of Jesus Christ, children learn about the importance of trusting in God's plan and believing in His promises. 

Parents can read these books with their children, discussing the characters' unwavering faith in Aslan and how they can apply similar faith in their own lives. By exploring the adventures of Narnia, children learn valuable lessons about the power of faith and the transformative impact it can have on their journey of spiritual growth.

5. Kindness

Kindness is a Christian value that promotes empathy and compassion towards others. It teaches children to treat others with kindness and to make a positive difference in the world.

Storybook: "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White

"Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White is a beloved classic that celebrates the power of friendship and kindness. The story follows the unlikely friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte, who works tirelessly to save Wilbur from being slaughtered. Through Charlotte's selfless acts of kindness and compassion, children learn about the importance of showing kindness to all creatures, regardless of their differences. 

Parents can read this book with their children, discussing the ways in which the characters demonstrate kindness and how they can emulate these acts of compassion in their own interactions with others. By exploring the heartwarming tale of "Charlotte's Web," children learn valuable lessons about the transformative impact of kindness and the joy that comes from making a positive difference in the lives of others.

6. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a Christian value that teaches children the importance of letting go of resentment and extending grace to others. It fosters healing and reconciliation in relationships.

Storybook: "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter

"The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter is a timeless story that explores themes of disobedience and forgiveness. The story follows Peter Rabbit as he disobeys his mother's warnings and ventures into Mr. McGregor's garden, facing consequences for his actions. Through Peter's mischievous adventures and eventual forgiveness by his mother, children learn about the consequences of disobedience and the healing power of forgiveness. 

Parents can read this book with their children, discussing the importance of asking for forgiveness when they make mistakes and offering forgiveness to others who have wronged them. By exploring Peter Rabbit's story, children learn valuable lessons about the importance of forgiveness in fostering harmony and restoring relationships.

7. Generosity

Generosity is a Christian value that encourages children to share with others and make a positive difference in the world. It teaches children to give selflessly and to be mindful of the needs of others.

Storybook: "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein

"The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein is a poignant tale that celebrates the joy of giving and generosity. The story follows the relationship between a boy and a tree, who selflessly gives everything she has to make the boy happy. Through the tree's acts of generosity and sacrifice, children learn about the selfless love of giving and the joy that comes from making others happy. 

Parents can read this book with their children, discussing the importance of sharing their time, talents, and resources with those in need and how they can make a positive impact in their communities through acts of generosity. By exploring the timeless tale of "The Giving Tree," children learn valuable lessons about the transformative power of generosity and the fulfillment that comes from making a difference in the lives of others.

Related: Exploring the Impact of Faith-Based Stories on Early Childhood Development


Teaching Christian values to children through storybooks is a powerful and effective way to instill essential principles of faith, love, compassion, and kindness from an early age. Through captivating narratives and relatable characters, children not only learn about these values but also develop empathy, critical thinking skills, and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

By exploring the seven core Christian values highlighted in this article – love, peace, joy, faith, kindness, forgiveness, and generosity – parents can nurture their children's spiritual growth and character development in meaningful ways. From heartwarming tales of friendship and forgiveness to enchanting adventures that inspire faith and courage, storybooks offer endless opportunities for learning and reflection.

At Janet Ashmore, we understand the importance of providing children with resources that promote their moral and spiritual development. That's why we offer a curated selection of fully illustrated children's books that teach essential Christian values in engaging and memorable ways. Our collection includes titles like "Larry the Llama Learns About Love," "Prickles the Porcupine Learns About Peace," and "Spiker the Jumping Spider Learns About Joy," each designed to inspire and uplift young readers.

Explor Our Storybooks!

Start nurturing your child's spiritual growth today by exploring our collection of storybooks that teach Christian values. Visit our website to browse our selection or contact us at [email protected] for more information. Together, let's empower the next generation with the timeless wisdom and love found in Christian values.

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